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Planning Board Minutes 04/05/2018
  Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday April 5, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Richard Moore, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Richard Bouchard, Craig McIntosh, Dr. Kevin Mara, Kristy Barnouski Secretary.

Others present: Deputy Chief Cole, Doug Valley, Kathryn Valley, Gail Towle, James Towle, Chet and Mary McFail, Mike Albert, Brayden Tescher, Steven N. Kosusko and other members of the public.

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Continued Public Hearing-Cruiserparts, LLC.
Mr. Valley stated that he came back to give the Board an update on his progress.  Mr. Valley stated that he is still waiting for D.O.T. to review his plans.  His engineer is still working on the final plans and making calculations for the Fire Pond.  Mr. Valley asked if he could have a conditional approval.

Mr. Brehm and Mr. Williams were not comfortable with a conditional approval and wanted Mr. Valley to come back next month.  Mr. Valley agreed to an extension and continue the Public Hearing.

Mr. Brehm made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to continue the public hearing until the next regular meeting of the Planning Board.  Motion passes.

Mike’s Affordable Auto-
Mrs. Barnouski explained to the Board that Mr. Cole had found that there was a small log cabin taken down without permit on the property adjacent to Mike’s Auto which has the same property owner, Mike Albert.  Mr. Cole reported the unpermitted demolition and site work to the Board of Selectmen who issued a stop work order.  The BOS requested that the business go before the Planning Board to determine if a site plan review was needed.

Mr. Albert stated that he had hired Young’s Excavating to do the site work and demolition and wasn’t aware that he needed permits.  Mr. Albert stated that he wanted to level the property and use it for storage until he is able to sell the property.  

Mr. Willams stated that this would be considered a change of use which requires a site plan.  Mr. Moore agreed and was also worried about the wetlands on the property.

Mr. Albert asked if he would be able to start storing cars on the already leveled piece of land.  The Board informed him that he must do a site plan first.   
Doggy Darbster-
Mr. Tescher representing Doggy Darbster came before the Board to discuss a slight change to the approved site plan.  He stated that they had to tear down the front of the building due to rotted wood and not being built on a foundation.  The addition adds 150 sq. ft. to the footprint and addresses all safety issues. The front of the building will remain the same in appearance. The project still remains under 5,000 sq. ft.     

Dr. Mara made a motion and Mr. Williams seconded to amend the site plan with the 150ft addition causing no visual or significant impact. Motion passes.

71 Kelly Corner Road- Discussion
Steven N. Kosusko of Joeseph M. Wichert Land Surveying came before the Board to discuss a property with some unique situations.  The property owners have two side by side lots, one in the residential zone and one in the commercial.  A house was built directly over the lot line, meant to be built on the residential lot.  Another building was built on the other in the commercial zone.  Both lots have one shared driveway.  Mr. Kosusko stated they are looking to move the residential lot line over 50ft so in the future they can sell separately if desired.  

Some of the Board were concerned about the shared driveway if the lots were sold separately.  The Board commented how both the residential and commercial lots were already substandard and my need variances. The Board also discussed non-conforming uses in the zoning.  

Mr. Brehm is going to call the Town Attorney for legal opinion.  

Rapid Refill Signs-
The Board discussed the former Z1 Express applying for new signs for the new business, Rapid Refill.  The Board decided that the Rapid Refill is eligible for 104 sq. ft.   This was calculated by the following.  64ft. is the amount allowed normally, plus an additional 16ft for decreased visibility, another 16ft for the lot exceeding frontage which totals 104 sq. ft.  

J. Halle project- Discussion
The Board discussed Mr. Halle’s request to use a portion of his land for to rent out storage space to Kingston’s Golf Karts.  
The Board determined that Mr. Halle would in fact need a site plan to use his property for storage.  

Grateful Sleds-
Mr. Houle discussed that he needed to apply for a new inspection station license due to moving the shop and wanted to be sure it would be signed off in a timely manner.  He asked the Board to give Mrs. Barnouski permission to sign off on the application as soon as it comes in.  Being that it is the same business and located in the commercial district they Board had no problem with that.
Mr. Brehm made a motion and Mr. Williams seconded to have Mrs. Barnouski sign the application for a inspection station for Grateful Sleds.  Motion passes.

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams made a motion and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:45pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski, Secretary
Not approved until signed.

Chairman, Stan Brehm